What Are The Types of Chemical Peels?

There are various types of chemical peels, and each type has different benefits. The most common types of chemical peels are: 

Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) Peels: AHA peels are the mildest type of peel and are often used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, dryness, and uneven skin texture. You can also get skin tightening treatment at Dr Diva Aesthetics.

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Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) Peels: BHA peels are slightly stronger than AHA peels and are often used to treat acne, blackheads, and whiteheads.

Glycolic Acid Peels: Glycolic acid peels are the strongest type of AHA peel and can be used to treat severe acne, wrinkles, and pigmentation issues. 

Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) Peels: TCA peels are the strongest type of chemical peel and can be used to treat deep wrinkles, sun damage, and precancerous growths. 

Jessner Peels: Jessner peels are a combination of three different chemical compounds that can be used to treat melasma, age spots, and acne scars. 

Phenol Peels: Phenol peels are the strongest type of chemical peel and are used to treat deep wrinkles, sun damage, and precancerous growths. 

Each type of chemical peel has its own unique benefits, so it is important to consult a dermatologist or other qualified skincare professional to determine which type of peel is most suitable for your skin.