Tips For Insurance Agency E-Marketing Success

Marketing insurance agents are often described as an art and a science, but the basics should be simple enough for any agency to follow. Unfortunately, I've seen many ground rules broken by email agents using colored fonts, capitalization in their subjects, and the use of unwanted words like helpful "free offers" that will almost certainly send emails to unwanted folders. You can check over here to find more details about property insurance agency.

Tips For Insurance Agency E-Marketing Success

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The following list contains the top tips for insurance bureau electronic marketing success. These tips apply to large-scale campaigns using simple electronic marketing tools (including Outlook) and large-scale campaigns involving thousands of contacts.

Easy Unsubscribe – Make sure you have a simple unsubscribe link and quickly delete anyone you want to remove.

NOT SCREAMING – See how bad those capital letters look? Don't shout in the subject or body of the email.

No Color Fonts – When trying to market a professional product or service, do not use misleading color text.

No Spam Words – Stay away from "Free Offers" or "Satisfaction Guaranteed".

Short – busy people are short. A few clear sentences and a call to action are much better than too much verbosity and strong text. Side lectures and email triads are not the right way to market your insurance agent.

Simple Call to Action – When you give someone your attention, make it easy and straightforward for them to take action.

Offer Value – Ensure prospects get a tangible benefit by responding to your calls to action.

Professional Greetings – Please use your sincere or best wishes and your correct name and title. Stay away from motivational quotes and tricks.