Things You Need To Know About For Spinal Cord Injury

Spinal cord injuries can be devastating and life-altering, but with the right treatment, people can make a full recovery. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to stabilize the spine and reduce further damage from occurring. Best treatment for spinal cord injuries is primarily focused on relieving pain and restoring mobility and function.

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The first step in treatment of spinal cord injuries is to stabilize the spine and prevent further injury. This may include immobilizing the spine with a halo vest or neck collar. Surgery may also be performed to correct any fractures or dislocations. Surgery may also be used to remove fragments of bone or disc material that has become lodged in the spinal cord.

The next step in treatment is to reduce inflammation and swelling. This may be accomplished through medications such as corticosteroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Physical therapy can also help to reduce swelling, increase mobility, and improve strength and coordination.

In some cases, electrical stimulation may be used to help improve movement and sensation. This type of treatment may involve the use of a spinal cord stimulator, which delivers electrical impulses to the damaged area of the spinal cord.

Stem cell therapy is another form of treatment that is being studied in the treatment of spinal cord injuries. This involves transplanting healthy stem cells into the damaged area of the spinal cord. These cells are thought to be capable of promoting healing and repair in the spinal cord.

Finally, psychological and emotional support are essential for those with spinal cord injuries. Counseling and support groups can help people adjust to their new lifestyle, cope with pain and disability, and improve quality of life.