How to Fix a Bumper: The Best 5 Ways To Repair Your Vehicles Damage

If you’ve had a car accident, your first instinct may be to take your vehicle to a mechanic to have it fixed. But before you do anything, make sure to check out this guide on how to fix a bumper! This is an easy and affordable repair that can help you get back on the road as soon as possible.

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If you have hit your bumper, there are a few things you can do to repair the damage. 

  • The first step is to determine if the bumper is damaged at all.
  • If it is just dented, you can fix it yourself with a few supplies. 
  • If the bumper is torn or broken, then you will need to take it to a professional. 

There are 5 different ways to repair a bumper and each depends on the severity of the damage.

1) Cut away any pieces of metal that are sticking out of the bumper. This includes anything that was attached to the original vehicle (like chrome trim). 

2) Use a hammer and chisel to break up any chunks of metal that are too large to fit through the opening in the bumper. Be careful not to hit any wiring or other delicate components! 

3) Use a grinder or Dremel tool with an abrasive wheel to roughen up the surface of the metal so that adhesive can better hold it together. 

4) Apply adhesive using a brush or spray bottle. Make sure all surfaces are covered and let the adhesive dry before proceeding. 

5) Place screws into holes that have been drilled into the metal surface and use nuts and bolts to secure them in place.