Do Himalayan Pink Salt and Sea Salt Have the Same Potentials For Improving Wellness?

Himalayan pink salt is a type of salt that has become popular in the world today. It is one of the world's natural wonders and was discovered long ago by the ancient tribes of the Himalayan region. This natural salt was used by them as an alternative to the regular table salt. The salt can be found in many different countries such as India, Tibet, Nepal, and Pakistan. Recently, it gained more popularity and was even considered to be a valid form of alternative medicine.

Himalayan pink sea salt contains a number of minerals and salts. They vary depending on how they were harvested. They are primarily known to have a neutral to slightly alkaline mineral content. The most popular form of this natural mineral content comes from the deposits that were formed in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains over a million years ago.

Himalayan salt contains a number of trace minerals which include sodium chloride, bromide, magnesium sulfate, and calcium sulfate. These trace minerals are beneficial to the human body as they help in regulating blood pressure, easing muscle tension and relaxation, helping to increase energy levels, strengthening bones, and relieving constipation. However, despite the fact that these trace minerals found in Pink Himalayan salt are beneficial, there are certain myths surrounding the use of this mineral. Some people believe that it can treat cancer, reduce cholesterol, and enhance sports performance. All these claims have no scientific basis and are therefore considered to be mere myths.

Many people think that Himalayan pink salt reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The mineral does contain trace amounts of sodium chloride and magnesium sulfate however there is no proof that these trace amounts can reduce blood pressure or cholesterol levels to any significant degree. Studies have shown that high levels of sodium cause cardiovascular problems. However, high levels of magnesium have been proven to relax muscles and stimulate nerve activity.

Another myth surrounding Himalayan pink salt is that it can improve sports performance. There is no evidence that this mineral does play any role in enhancing sports performance. It has been determined that the mineral is in fact an antioxidant and has some anti-inflammatory properties. Salt is known to reduce the amount of lactic acid produced during exercise by neutralizing the pH levels inside the muscles.

Myth one regarding the benefits associated with Himalayan pink salt involves its ability to prevent cancer. It is widely known that cancer is caused by exposure to carcinogens. Although there is no direct relationship between the two, consuming large amounts of sodium can increase the risk of developing some forms of cancer. Regular table salt contains trace amounts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sodium. None of these minerals contains any proven cancer-fighting properties. It is believed that a lack of sodium causes fluid retention and increases the amount of fluid that is retained in the body.

Many people also believe that Himalayan pink salt contains trace minerals that help to reduce the symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome and chronic constipation. Some of these trace minerals include strontium, zinc, and magnesium. All three minerals have been proven to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and chronic constipation.

As you can see from the information contained in this article, Himalayan pink salt versus sea salt is not the best choice for your cooking needs. If you want to start eating foods with trace minerals in them, then you should consider getting a salt shaker made from granite. Himalayan crystal salt shakers are highly recommended by many experts as they have a much higher concentration of these trace minerals. Granite is a naturally occurring substance that can be found almost everywhere. You can even find it in your backyard. This natural occurrence makes it one of the most potent supplements that you can use on a daily basis for enhanced wellness.